
 Colleen Mathis, 2018

There’s my picture. Me, Colleen—a writer for all media, purposes and seasons.

I began as an advertising copywriter, but today I write for the web, technical writing, even editing.

As you know, each medium has a different set of requirements to be most effective. A print ad has different considerations than a TV spot, than a web banner viewed on an iPhone, than a marketing e-mail, than a web page, than a TED talk, than an e-book, than a user manual, than a note tied to a brick.

Then there are matters of SEO (engine optimization) and SERP (search engine results page). Don’t forget about determining the most effective keywords and phrases. Who is the user? Where they are in the customer’s journey? How will they use the document I’m so carefully crafting?

These are things you have to know, and I do. More important, in my opinion, is writing that champions the brand, in the appropriate voice and a strong idea, a concept, a compelling message sent and received. And then later, instructions.

I love, love, love the way I get to work. I work from home. It’s very practical as most of my clients aren’t in the same state that I’m in. Don’t get me wrong—if I need to go to someone’s office, I certainly do that, but working this way is great; few interruptions, flexible hours and a great view.

If you have a project that you think I might be good for, give me a call, and we can talk about it. 703-980-9156.

Oh, and I’m a good editor too.
